The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #65435   Message #1083373
Posted By: musicmick
31-Dec-03 - 03:25 PM
Thread Name: BS: My take on terrorist threat alerts
Subject: RE: BS: My take on terrorist threat alerts
Neither am I, Don. I do not, for one moment, suggest that cowering and trembling in fear is a proper response to terrorism. I lived in Israel for three years and I learned that life can and does go on, even when the threat is real and frequent. The answer is awareness and some degree of counter control. You must know that, if your home is broken into, you will, probably, take more precautions to insure your safety in the future. Another good way to live with the terror is to keep some kind of objective sanity and perspective. I am more than willing to engage in diologue with those of you who oppose the Israeli position but, in every response I have made to threads like this one, I have said that the stated position of the terrorists is the elimination of the state of Israel. They have never suggested a willingness to compromise this demand and, in fact, they increase their operations whenever there is an accord with Israel and her Arab neighbors. I mention this because I want you to realise that it is not Jewish paranoia that causes us to fear the tender mercies of our enemies. Unless and until we appreciate that these people mean exactly what they say, we will keep shouting at one another and not at the fanatic murderers who threaten us all. Your suggestion that Jews are behaving like their persecutors is insulting and insensitive.
Jews are not enslaving Arabs. Jews are not rounding up Arabs and sending them into death camps. Jews have not stripped Arabs of citizenship. Jews did not start this war. When Jews were in their most desparate straights, during the Holocost and at the time of the Pogroms and when they were enslaved in Egypt and when they were driven from Iberia in the Inquisition, they never, NEVER, rained terror on the world in protest. To equate the positional response of Israel to any of those horrors is flip and demeaning. (And, I think, unworthy of you. I have read some of your postings on other threads and you are not that ignorant.)
