The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #65255   Message #1083479
Posted By: GUEST
31-Dec-03 - 05:35 PM
Thread Name: BS: Guest Postings
Subject: RE: BS: Guest Postings
For what it's worth Jeri - not all nameless GUESTs agree with the GUEST(s) who decry your alleged shortcomings. For the time I have been following your posts (a few years now), I have consistently found your perspective to be among the most rational, thoughtful, considerate, levelheaded and logical ones on this forum. And I think I've said so on more than one occasion, anonymously - so you know that I'm not just blowing sunshine. Again, FWIW, IMHO, YMMV and all those other cryptic acronyms.... Best wishes to you for a happy New Year.