The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #65435   Message #1083745
Posted By: musicmick
01-Jan-04 - 05:07 AM
Thread Name: BS: My take on terrorist threat alerts
Subject: RE: BS: My take on terrorist threat alerts
Mr. McGrath you are a liar of the first water. If, by a "fair amount of terrorist attacks", you are refering to the activities of the Stern Gang, their tactics were condemned by the Hagana, the Palmach and every subsequent Israeli leader and the officers of the IDF. Your Adolf-come-lately anti-Semitism clothed in the one sided criticism of the combatants in this tragic war is phony and cruel. It is surely true that one man's resistance movement is another man's terrorism. But your paralels are scewed and slanted. I do not seek to change your mind about Jews. Gerald L.K. Smith and George Lincoln Rockwell went to their graves hating Jews. G.K. Chesterton and William Shakespeare never spoke of Jews but to scorn. Stalin never trusted the Jews and H.L.Menken mocked them. You are not alone in libeling the Jews. Better men than you have been doing it for two millenium.
No, I do not expect you to, suddenly, develope odjective tolerance for a people who are historically guily of Deicide. My replies to threds like this one and postings like yours is to serve notice that, no matter how many lies you spread, we are not going to lay down and die or march, meekly, into the ovens. And, what's more, we will expose your lies whenever we encounter them. If there is a lesson to be learned from the last time the Jews were demonized, it is that silence is an inadequate defense.
I do thank you, however, for being the first to honestly answer my question. You do not think that Israel is a legitimate state and, thus, you stand with the Arabs on that seminal issue. I suspect that many of your fellow posters agree with you. And that scares the hell out of me.