The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #65576   Message #1083817
Posted By: Guy Wolff
01-Jan-04 - 08:50 AM
Thread Name: BS: Bill Sables Around the world !
Subject: RE: BS: Bill Sables Around the world !
         I cant beleave Bill Found that Bacon & Day with such a classie old sound.Dont get me wrong I love B&D's but this one is so warm at realy realy fits Bill to a Tea ( we drank lots of it ) . It has a very nice older calf skin head. Bill said on the Little wonder he hits the strings further back ( nearer the bridge ) but with both the Gretch and the Bacons he is playing closer to the neck. I think thats the sighn of a brighter instroment . Go have a look at the photo of this great banjo ( oh yes and three very nice people)
          Bill and I got into some wonderful music last night but I was realy touched when we pulled out the banjo-lalelys and Bill started down the George Farnby (sp?) road.Very much fun and touching as well. He had never heard the intro to "Shine on harvest moon" so I had something for him .
         Lots of great conversation and realy nice interaction with my kids .
          I'll get Bill up to my attic to give you his picture of all this as soon as hes up. Erica and Lorna are laughing away at something at the moment .More soon . All the best , Guy