The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #65643   Message #1083858
Posted By: GUEST,Van
01-Jan-04 - 10:49 AM
Thread Name: BS: Royals involved in Corgi-gate
Subject: RE: BS: Royals involved in Corgi-gate
Headline - Anne's dog bites corgi. Later on we hear it also bit a servant. Strange priorities. The pair of them Anne and her maj should be banned from owning animals - and humans. It would save the taxpayer a few bob. As they both enjoy killing animals for fun why so sad over one little dog? They hunt foxes don't they, when the queen's racehorses break the odd leg she doesn't bat an eyelid when they're shot, a year or two back we had a shot of her maj's approach to dealing with a wounded pheasant (she didn't call the vet or Rolf Harris) - confine the buggers to history and get rid of these news stories.