The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #65665   Message #1083917
Posted By: Jeri
01-Jan-04 - 12:16 PM
Thread Name: BS: What happened to the crockpot thread?
Subject: RE: BS: What happened to the crockpot thread?
I've heard of soaking anchovies in milk to get some of the salt out. I've heard about gamey taste in venison, but I have no experience. They guy who gave me the meat (it's stew meat, cut up in little chunks) was talking about proper dressing of the deer to minimize 'off' taste (it sounded like he really knew what he was talking about), and said the meat from this was very good.

I made chili a couple of times that folks around these here parts say can't be chili because it uses stew beef, not ground. They need to hang out in Texas for a while. ("Hey! It can't be chili if it's got armordildo...amri....what's that word again?") I only made it twice because I made my own stock from cooking meatless beef bones for about 4 hours, then boiling the snot out of them. It's hard enough just to find the bones these days! I trim the beef too, and this chili has very little fat in it.

Beef stock, green peppers, onions, tomatoes, stew beef (browned first), chili powder. Throw it in a pot, crock or otherwise, along with whatever else you'd like in it (more garlic, hot sauce/peppers), and cook it until everything falls apart.