The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #65648   Message #1084243
Posted By: Peter K (Fionn)
01-Jan-04 - 07:44 PM
Thread Name: Bob Copper is on the Queen's Honours Lis
Subject: RE: Bob Copper is on the Queen's Honours Lis
Gareth, I'm not sure it's fair to press on with allegations, substantive or otherwise, if they have been refuted, and you can't justify or explain them in any way. But assuming such a consideration doesn't concern you, I expect that unfounded smears will cut no ice in this community, no matter how often they are repeated.

A couple of catters have urged me to allow you a fool's pardon, and any reading of the threads will show that I do in fact ignore much of your drivel. But when you try to generate tittle-tattle out of nothing but your own imagination, as in the last point of your previous post, and in other imbecile allegations you've made, it seems reasonable to wonder what you're getting at.

If you're stuck for words again, as when I have challenged you in other threads, I suppose I'll just have to revert to the "fool's pardon" approach.