The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #65716   Message #1084453
Posted By: Roberto
02-Jan-04 - 07:35 AM
Thread Name: Lyr Req: Kempy Kaye (sung by jock tamson's bairns)
Subject: Lyr Add: KEMPY KAYE (from A' Jock Tamson's Bairns)
Help with Kempy Kaye as sung by A' Jock Tamson's Bairns. I see the text they sing is from several Child's texts. I've tried to put them together in the right order, but I'm not sure of too many words, and I miss a stanza and a half in the last part of the song. Sometimes I have written down verses not as I hear them, but directly from Child's. A lot of help needed. I hope in Malcolm Douglas or some other braw Mudcatter. Thank you. Roberto

Kempy Kaye's a wooing gane
Far, far ayont the sea
And he has met with an auld, auld man
His gudefaither to be

An ye be gaun to court a wife
An ye dae tell to me
'Tis ye sall hae my Fusome Fug
Your ae wife for to be

Gae scrape yoursel, gae scart yoursel
Mak your brucket face clean
For the wooers are to be here the nicht
And your body's to be seen

She rampit out and she rampit in
She rampit but and ben
The tittles and the tattles that hang frae her tail
Wad muck an acre o land

I'm coming to court your daughter dear
And some part of your gear
And by my sooth - quoth Bengoleer
She'll sare a man a wear

She had a neis upon her face
Was like an auld pat-fit
Atween her nose bot an her mou
Was inch thick deep o' dirt

Ilka hair intae her head
Was like a heather-cowe
And ilka louse anunder it
Was like a linsteed-bow

She'd tauchy teeth and kaily lips
And wide lugs fou o hair
Her pouches fou o peasemeal-daighe
A' hinging down her spare

She had twa een intae her head
War like twa-rotten plums
The heavy brows hung doun her face
And O I vow she glooms!

When Kempy Kaye came to the house
He peeped thro a hole
And there he saw the dirty drab
Just whisking oure the coal

His teeth they were like tether-steeks
His nose was three feet lang
Atween his shouthers was ells three
Atween his een a span

He's gied to her a braw gowd ring
Was made of an auld brass pot:


When thir twa lovers had met thegither
A-kissing to tak' (?) their fill
The slaver that hang atween their twa gabs (?)
Wad hae tetherd a ten year auld bill (?)