The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #65255   Message #1084565
Posted By: Bill D
02-Jan-04 - 10:50 AM
Thread Name: BS: Guest Postings
Subject: RE: BS: Guest Postings
the RULES? KNOW the basic rules, Shambles...but you would never in a million years accept that part of the rules that requires 'some' arbitrary decisions that you might quibble with.

In any case where editing/moderating/censorship is employed in any degree, there will be someone who disagrees with it, in part or in whole.

Therefore, I would describe the basic rules once more:(MY description only)

Max is in charge...he has decided that some things would be better edited. He has designated 2 people to be in charge of this. They have several helpers.

This system is designed to 'reduce' duplications, mistakes, incoherence, personal attacks, SPAM, and blatent, abusive trolling. MOST of these efforts go to simple 'housekeeping' chores, NOT to censorship.

Your objections, after all the rhetoric, boil down to simply that YOU DON'T LIKE IT! There is no doubt....everyone understands that you don't like it, and mostly, your objections are left un-edited and on the record, as is much of the blather and trolling that goes on. Joe has repeatedly noted that he censors as little as's just that YOU want a different set of guidelines.

I don't see why you persist...perhaps all the efforts to overturn PELS (a just cause) have made "righteous indignation" a major hobby, but in this case you are in the minority. You have added invective like "witchfinder" and "bootlicker" to the discussion, as if THAT will make your point better....did you never hear that "you can catch more flies with honey than with vinegar"?