The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #65605   Message #1084882
Posted By: Mark Clark
02-Jan-04 - 06:31 PM
Thread Name: MIDI Volunteer Sought
Subject: RE: MIDI Volunteer Sought
Mary, I see what you mean about no. 10. I tried to encode it just to see what I get. I found that ABC can't handle four symbols in a triplet so I coded the second triplet in measure 4 as three notes with the second one dotted. That worked out all right for the engraved score but the MIDI conversion gave me a warning that there were notes of different value in a triplet.

You can play with mine if you like.

      - Mark

T:The Trouble Of The World
C:Allen, et al., Slave Songs #10
B:Slave Songs of the United States
%%MIDI program 1 % Acoustic Grand Piano
(3d d d B3/2 G/|G G (3D D d|d B A2|
w:I want to be my Fa-der's chil'-en, I want to be
(3F F F (3D D3/2 D/|G A Bc|d d/ B/ c c|
w:my Fa-der's clil'-en, I want to be_ my Fa-der chil'-en,
B2 A A|G2zD|G G/ G/ G G/ G/|
w:Roll, Jor-dan, roll. O say, ain't you done wid de
G/ G/ G/ G/ G (G|E4)|D/ D/ D/ D/ D D|
w:trou-ble ob de world, Ah!_ trou-ble ob de world, Ah!
A A/ A/ E D/ D/|G/ G/ G/ G/ c c|B2 A A|G2 z2||
w:Say ain't you done wid de trou-ble ob de world, Ah Roll, Jor-dan, roll.