The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #65619   Message #1085187
Posted By: InOBU
03-Jan-04 - 08:54 AM
Thread Name: BS: Guns on planes
Subject: RE: BS: Guns on planes
I must say, having been in a town involved in unusually high security, Belfast at the hight of the "Troubles"... all the listening posts and turnstyles and stripsearching did not put a dent in the urban war... the US has been, for the most part, at peace at home since the Trade Center event... could it be our government is tell us a fib?
Seems to me, that we may be involved in the pantomime of security to take from the American people the right to protest against a war made in the ecconomic interests with a very very small segment of the American public. Sure, we need airport security, but I'd trade good government and liberty for extrodinary security anyday.
I think those who think it is the different colored allerts which keep us safe, well, they haven't traveled much,