The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #65605   Message #1085453
Posted By: Mark Clark
03-Jan-04 - 05:20 PM
Thread Name: MIDI Volunteer Sought
Subject: RE: MIDI Volunteer Sought
After reading more of the explanations, here is what I've concluded on No. 27. The second staff line is intended to be an alternate to the first. The third staff line contains two two-measure segments, each of which is intended as alternates to the last two measures of the first staff line (and perhaps to the second as well). When these measures are substituted, the lyrics change as indicated. The last measures of all these alternates are missing the final quaver. I assume the missing quaver is the pickup beat we see in the first staff line. So the song really is a four-bar line repeated over and over but with variations. Accurate representation of the documented alternates will require six separate MIDI files. Maybe I'll put them all into one file with several measures of rest in between.

Mary, Did you convert my attempt at #10, above, into a MIDI using the Tune-O-Tron Converter? Does my solution work out when imported into Cakewalk?

      - Mark