The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #65255   Message #1086094
Posted By: Nigel Parsons
04-Jan-04 - 08:34 PM
Thread Name: BS: Guest Postings
Subject: RE: BS: Guest Postings
Shambles is, of course correct in his above post (04 Jan 04: 03.02PM) where he quotes:
"You're right, Shambles, it WAS closed - from 22 December to 23 December. It was closed due to a miscommunication between volunteers, for which I apologize. I reopened the thread on 23 December, as soon as I found that it had been closed. Sorry for the inconvenience"
However, what he fails (somehow) to mention is that this was in response to his post on 30 December (when the thread had already been re-opened for 7 days)

Clearly in his search for the truth, and an 'accountable' Mudcat, he took a week to prepare this single message, and did not take the step of checking whether his information was still accurate by the time he posted the message.

Shambles will still, of course, insist that everyone else check "The Facts" (according to Shambles) before commenting on the issue.
I, for one, am tiring of his anarchistic attitude, and will try to avoid further continuation of this thread.

Shambles post & the reply
