The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #55491   Message #1086206
Posted By: YorkshireYankee
05-Jan-04 - 03:47 AM
Thread Name: BS: How did you choose your mudcat name?
Subject: RE: BS: How did you choose your mudcat name?
*I* don't think Edain is a boring name...

RE the Fred Wedlock song:

I heard Cathy Miller sing it at the Owen Sound Festival (in Canada) more than ten yrs ago. Laughed SO hard... begged her for the words afterwards, and she was kind enough to sing 'em into my tape recorder.

The version I know starts off:

I am a folk musician, though my songs are seldom sold
For I massacre folk music with three feet of Spanish chipboard and a capo


My nick is fairly obvious: I used to live in the US (Detroit area); now I live in the UK (Sheffield). Thought about using my real name, but thought YY would probably -- for anyone who doesn't already know me -- give more of a clue about me/"where I'm coming from" than "Vikki Appleton Fielden"...
