The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #65435   Message #1086213
Posted By: sledge
05-Jan-04 - 03:57 AM
Thread Name: BS: My take on terrorist threat alerts
Subject: RE: BS: My take on terrorist threat alerts
As Kevins statements are some of the most eloquent that are posted on this forum I would just like to add something following musicmic's little outburst where he stated:-

". If, by a "fair amount of terrorist attacks", you are refering to the activities of the Stern Gang, their tactics were condemned by the Hagana, the Palmach and every subsequent Israeli leader and the officers of the IDF"

Why then did Israel in 1980 do the following,they instituted the Lehi ribbon, red, black, grey, pale blue and white which is awarded to former members of the Lehi underground. Lehi being the name of the reformed Stern gang from 1942, one of the leaders being Yitzhak Shamir. Didn't he become Prime minister?
