The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #55491   Message #1086219
Posted By: The Fooles Troupe
05-Jan-04 - 04:07 AM
Thread Name: BS: How did you choose your mudcat name?
Subject: RE: BS: How did you choose your mudcat name?
Well the name has been with me (but not used to denote me personally) since around the early 1990's when various characters grew out of a character that had been around in the SCA since 1985 or thereabouts.

Robin The Ruthless in Battel ---> Ruthless in Bottel ---> Ruthless in Babbel   
- out of which grew the core of the Troupe:
Babbel - who thinks he's in charge,
Bottel and Babbel (both largely obvious!)
along came young Quibbel (his sister is called Cassandra, but nobody takes any notice of her either!),
Lady De Kup Kake - known to her close friends as Lady De Kup,
Lady Lucrativa - who looks after the money,
Lady Tangyl Wyt,
Lady Lud Wygel,
and lots more.... (say the names out loud!)

And there is a web site with some of their original antics - but I ran out of space...

The Fooles Troupe have a web site
The Virtual Fooles Troupe
The Most Popular History On Show! (about 200 pages worth of assorted Tom Foolery - although Tom is no longer with them, having now gone on to bigger and better things...)
A witty, humorous romp through the Comedy of the Elizabethan and Medieval Theater
You can help The Fooles rehearse their next show!
Their Dwelling is now online too...
They now have a discussion list with special links...

Here be the Chronicle of the Antics of a Troupe of Fooles, seeking Patronage in a World between Medieval Times and the pre-17th Century World. There be "What Every Well Educated Foole Should Know".

There be also by the same author
Windows 9X Optimisation
Briese-Bane Vikings Centre

Robin Hayes
Look for the threads
The Foolestroupe Songbook
Technique: Piano Accordion for The Recycled Muso
(Nothing like blatant self-promotion!)