The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #65794   Message #1086443
Posted By: Arnie
05-Jan-04 - 11:28 AM
Thread Name: BS: Migraine sufferers, advice please?
Subject: RE: BS: Migraine sufferers, advice please?
I used to suffer regularly from migraines but now they have thankfully reduced to once or twice a year - no known reason for the reduction but I'm not complaining. However, when one strikes, the only cure for me is to take two Migraleve pink tablets (UK brand). After taking them I close my eyes for 10-15 mins (which is necessary anyway as I get distorted vision during the migraine). After 10-15 mins the migraine has gone! I'm usually left with a slight pain behind the eyeballs but this goes during the day. If I don't take Migraleve pink, the damn thing just continues for up to an hour and I feel grotty all day. Not sure if you're in the UK or US Morticia, but if in the former, try the little pink pills - they always work for me!
Good luck
