The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #13147   Message #108683
Posted By: MMario
26-Aug-99 - 11:56 AM
Thread Name: Mudcat Pub - Round 8
Subject: RE: Mudcat Pub - Round 8
y'know, it seems people on the 'Cat have more interesting wildlife living around their places then I do....

'Spaw has a 'possum who travels and communicates on the web; there are herons out there dressing as Waylon Jennings,(none of the Blue Herons around MY pond have ever done that!) and all I got around my place are a bunch of gold fish and frogs that can't tell spring from fall and a couple of horses that think they are guard dogs. The dog is too busy shedding to do anything, and the cats are being....well, cats.

And the stupid geese fly east and west instead of north and south!

coffee...I need coffee...

11 days until it's "ohmygodfortysevenschooldistrictsandtheyareallbackatworkandnoonecanremembertheirpassword"week