The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #4760   Message #1087744
Posted By: Dave the Gnome
07-Jan-04 - 05:31 AM
Thread Name: Origins: Sam Hall
Subject: RE: Origins: Sam Hall
Note of potential historical interest. The period when Jack received his 'suspended sentence' was one of the busiest for the hangmen of England and Wales. Scotlands laws were different and the death sentence not used anything like as much. It is also unlikely that the 'Tyburn tree' was used as the hangings had been moved from Tyburn to Newgate late in 1783.

In the mid 1800s the number of captal crimes on the statute books exceeded 200. Oddly enough though, although there were literaly thousands of death sentences handed out it appears that only (!) about 10% of these were carried out. If the convicted felon had any money or the slightest influence there was usuauly a petetion to the home office to commute the crime to transportation or gaol, depending on its nature.

Poor old Jack must have had very little of either to end up dancing the Newgate jig:-(

An interesting study of the prison and it's executions can be found here. During the period in question, btw, the punisment for high treason was to hung drawn and quartered (men) or burned at the stake (women). Although H,D&Q was usualy symbolised by beheading the body already dead from hanging, three women were actualy burnt at the stake in Old Bailey!

Eeeeeh, them were the good old days...
