The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #65857   Message #1088129
Posted By: Joe Offer
07-Jan-04 - 03:32 PM
Thread Name: Tune Req: Sephardic songs/ Era Escuro
Subject: ADD: Era Escuro
I think the lyrics should be posted, even though we haven't found the tune. I found these at Zemerl, but no tune. This page gives information on a recording.
I've been looking for a good Sephardic songbook and haven't found one. Judy Frankel's stuff is the best I've found so far.
-Joe Offer-

Era Escuro

Era escuro como la media noche,
Quando la luna esclariendo 'stava,
Todo callado, todo 'stava'n silencio,
Como la nuve'n la escuridad.

"Miseravle, por qui vienes agora?
Arecordarme del mal que yo pasi?
Arecordarme de toda la mi vida?"
- Estas palavras yo le havlm.

It was dark, almost midnight as the moon was rising;
all calm, all bathed in stillness, like snow in obscurity.
"Miserable one! Why do you come now?
To make me recall the harm that I suffered?
To make me recall my whole life?!"
- Those were the words that I spoke to him...