The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #65627   Message #1088406
Posted By: Bassic
07-Jan-04 - 08:56 PM
Thread Name: Accoustic bass guitars
Subject: RE: Accoustic bass guitars
Ok, Tuesday night, played my Fender ABG at Barrow 6 Bells session. At various times there were, 1 Scottish Small Pipes, 1 concertina, 2 big acordians, 3 fiddles, 2 guitars, mouth organ, 2 whistles, 1 Border Pipes. At no stage was I completely "drowned out" as far as I could tell, and for most of the evening I was playing well within the volume capabilities of the Fender. And not an amp in sight or a plectrum. (But my fingers were starting to get sore after an hour and a half!) Maybe some of the other catters who were there would please give testemony as to the audability of my Bass?

I stand by my assertion that you need a guitar that is AT LEAST as loud as the Fender and PLAY IT HARD. That to me gives an acustic sound that is only beaten by an Upright Bass and is much more "natural" and therefor more in keeping with the sound of other acustic instruments than an amplified Bass Guitar can be. They are just too smooth, sustain for too long and dont "blend" as naturally as an ABG. Physically it wont suite everyone though. I come to it from the physical demands of the `cello, simmilar action, string tension etc.