The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #65889   Message #1089088
Posted By: Bee-dubya-ell
08-Jan-04 - 07:57 PM
Thread Name: BS: 'And once again, the madmen come. . . .'
Subject: RE: BS: 'And once again, the madmen come. . . .'
Oh, hell! While we're about all this regime changin' let's just go ahead an' change 'em all! Get those damned furriners outta there an' put some 'Mericans in charge jus' like in Iraq.

'Course that would mean havin' to start th' draft back up an', maybe, draftin' every man an' woman under th' age of 65 an' sendin' 'em all overseas to enforce the freedoms of all th' formerly enslaved people in those newly lib'rated countries. But, hey, no cost is too great when it comes down t' shovin' th' 'Merican Way of Life down other people's throats.