The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #65889   Message #1089125
Posted By: Bobert
08-Jan-04 - 09:02 PM
Thread Name: BS: 'And once again, the madmen come. . . .'
Subject: RE: BS: 'And once again, the madmen come. . . .'
Oh, Richard, Richard, Richard.... You never give up on that idea of colonial dominance of the world. I think we should name you and ter buddy, Paul Wolfowitz, the neocols (for colonialism) as opposed to the neocons, which you really aren't. You are a radical liberal who doesn't have opnce ounce of conservative blood flowing thru yer body.

You are very much cut out in the mold of Hitler. A radical. An outragious radical. Nothing more. Nothing less. A radical. It don't matter who's president. You went to Bill Clinton with the same colonial imperialistic crap and he did the correct thing: threw yer radical butt out. So now you have the Bush the Lesser in your pocket? Well, I'm sure that gives you a big old fashion swelled imperialistic colonialist head... Enjoy it while it lasts 'cuase according to my Wes Ginny Slide Rule, America's working class can't afford yer appitite for invading and occupying other folks countries... Might of fact, I believe you've sold yer last invasion unless youwant to draft every friggin' man that has two legs.... The you still gotta find enough taxpayers left to pay for the invasions and occuapations, invasions and occupations, invasions and occupationds, inv...........

Get my drift?
