The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #65898   Message #1089316
Posted By: breezy
09-Jan-04 - 07:15 AM
Thread Name: breezy-hamish gig Asheridge arms
Subject: breezy-hamish gig Asheridge arms
Sat 10th january

aimed at the local clientelle

well known folk culture.

breezy holds hamish's hand and provides the P A while hamish wow's the gathered throng for breezy to finish 'em off.

could be termed 'if you aint heard this one before then you've been a long time dead'

8.30 - 9.00p.m. start, we aint busting a gut over this gig.

featuring surprise guests

inc Moses at least.

I dont know yet about El greko's availability.

'Rocking, Folking Pops' Hey hame, thats a reasonable attempt at a stage name or how about, 'A Couple of Canny Celts'

well you see, we are both Dads!!!

and I'm taking one of me boys to see L o t R part 111 at 11.30 in the a.m. thats cool.I'll probably nod off.

If you're free, why not come along, its free anyway.

Its near Chesham, Bucks, up the Bellenden Road somewhere.