The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #65904   Message #1089531
Posted By: Jeri
09-Jan-04 - 01:18 PM
Thread Name: your favourite chorus songs?
Subject: RE: what is your favourite chorus song?
Alison, yes! (and 'me too'.)
Ask me for a visit or meet me somewhere, and I shall be there, no 'event' required. Mind you, I haven't learned many of the chorus songs I like because somebody already does them. (Writing songs is about 50% self-defense.)

There is a silly song we do here (the Press Room in Portsmouth, NH), and I don't even know the name. It goes "Have you heard about the big strong man, he lives in a caravan..." We all sing the whole darned thing and can knock the plaster off the walls when everything goes well. I wonder if this happens elsewhere - are there any other songs people sing ALL of?