The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #65881   Message #1089542
Posted By: Tinker
09-Jan-04 - 01:38 PM
Thread Name: BS: A Wonderful Story
Subject: RE: BS: A Wonderful Story
Reading this thread has brought back a story I heard at The Jewish Heritage Museum in New York while helping escort 40 twelve and 13 year olds. Our guide was a wonderful older woman who herself had been a Holacost Survivor. After we had toured much of the musuem and viewed photos and letters and much much more she began to talk to the kids about why they needed to remember.

What she pulled from her personal experience with such power was a very simple tale of a eight year old little girl from a comfortable middle class family in a pleasant little village. And then the little girls friends and parents started treating her differently. Until one day, she understood that little Jewish girls no longer went to birthday parties. All of the atrocities experienced over years,but the defining moment was at the hand of friends. She left a very subdued group of 7th graders and adults pondering about themselves.
