The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #65727   Message #1089842
Posted By: dianavan
10-Jan-04 - 02:19 AM
Thread Name: Opinions please: Protest Singers
Subject: RE: Opinions please: Protest Singers
I am so happy to hear your thoughts. The torch has been passed but the folks are still around.

All that we can and should do will be done by each of you personally. Some of you are talented enough to write songs about it. Some will write poems. Some will sing and dance. Others will e-mail.

Ethical consumerism? I started by boycotting Safeway in the 60's when they tore down housing for the elderly and built a new supermarket. I've never shopped there since.

Buy organic food. Do not buy poisoned or genetically altered food.
Do not buy shoes or clothing made in sweatshops by child labourers. Ride public transit. Refuse to eat beef from feedlots. I'm sure you can add many more tips on ethical conduct but...

Can you sing about it?