The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #65920   Message #1089880
Posted By: GUEST,Philippa
10-Jan-04 - 06:15 AM
Thread Name: Scots Gaelic Classes in Boston
Subject: RE: Scots Gaelic Classes in Boston
Chunnaic mi 'ur seann teachdaireachdan air Mhudcat. Tha e gu math gu bheil thu an-seo a-rithist. (Ach chan ann ann am Boston a tha mise; is ann an Eirinn a tha mi.) Tha mi 'n dochas gum bi sibh a' sgrìobhadh mu cheol cuideachd.

I'd been curious about Cliff as I noticed his old messages in song threads. I hope you have a good turn out for the class. There are a variety of Gaelic-language notice boards on the net, have you tried publicising the course on some of these, Cliff? Some are mailing lists, others are on-line forums just on the webpage(BBC-Alba has one, for instance)

I'd recommend intensive courses as they help you reach a take-off point from which you can continue to teach yourself even if a class isn't available.
by the way, there are a few correspondence courses in Gaelic available also. But it is good to have people to talk with when learning a language!