The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #42500 Message #1090128
Posted By: Folkiedave
10-Jan-04 - 04:18 PM
Thread Name: Lyrics Correction: Joy of Living (Ewan MacColl)
Subject: RE: Correction: Joy of Living (Ewan McColl)
Two things to add to this thread:
In "Journeyman" Mac Coll's autobiography, "Cul Beag" is spelt "Cul Beig".
Less trivially, on "Desert island Discs" Peggy used this as her last song.
She spoke how Ewan had written this and how the family sang it to him as he lay dying. "Of course, hearing is the last faculty to go" she said, when asked if he she thought he had heard them sing.
For the first time in my knowledge not only did Desert Island Discs play a long-ish song in its entirety, but when he came to the bit about chicks she gave it an intro between verses so to speak. saying how he was referring to his children - so (I guess) people would listen more intently.
Both my wife and I were in tears at the end and within a few minutes a folkie friend telephoned to see if I had heard it and he described it is the most moving piece of radio he had ever heard.