The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #63520   Message #1090344
Posted By: Stilly River Sage
11-Jan-04 - 01:19 AM
Thread Name: BS: A house! A house!
Subject: RE: BS: A house! A house!
Hover nearby and don't let them sneak anything past you when they bring the big stuff. Moving companies hire casual labor who don't know a castor from a tuning fork and are liable to carry things wrong and hide anything that was broken in transit or as it was unloaded.

Some years ago I caught the movers rolling antique furniture up a 100 foot driveway, and told them to carry it. They weren't happy, but those castors aren't for concrete, it wears them down and embeds sand so they'll scratch the floor. They're for moving the furniture a few feet so you can vacuum behind it.

I use my own system for labeling so anything valuable in a box isn't identifiable. I can tell by where my label said it should go in the house what it is. The last move, I made on my own over the course of a couple of weeks. I moved everything except the upright grand piano.

I HATE having to use movers. It's like offering an invitation to case the joint.