The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #65963   Message #1090678
Posted By: Peace
11-Jan-04 - 08:05 PM
Thread Name: BS: My Aunt Eva's Parrot
Subject: BS: My Aunt Eva's Parrot
I received a frantic phone call yesterday form my Aunt Eva. She had been cleaning up around the house, and as is her habit, she let the parrot out of its cage. She had finished cleaning out the freezer when the doorbell rang. The freezer door was open, and she went to answer the doorbell. When she returned she closed the freezer door. About three hours later she went looking for Duffy. She couldn't find him anywhere. Yes, you know what happened. She ran to the freezer, and there on the various packages of froze foods was a frozen Duffy, laying on his back, wings spread out.

She phoned me to ask if there was anything she might do. All I could think of was to place Duffy near a source of heat--and then the thought struck me. My uncle had an old Zippo lighter and he kept lighter fluid in the junk drawer of the kitchen table. I suggested to my aunt that she put four or five squirts in the holes at te top of Duffy's beak. She did. I waited on the phone to see what the result would be. Duffy started to flap his wings and he began to soar around the kitchen. He kept that up for about three minutes. Then, he dropped to the floor.

Sorry to start a thread for this, but I had to tell someone.