The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #55223   Message #1091033
Posted By: stevethesqueeze
12-Jan-04 - 08:41 AM
Thread Name: Using a music stand
Subject: RE: Using a music stand
And heres my ten penneth.

as a dance music player I would not play using a stand for our local childrens dance display team performances. generally the kids would perhaps do six or seven well rehearsed dances with perhaps twice that number of tunes to accompany them. In such cases both the dances and the tunes would be very famliar indeed and a stand would not be needed.

However when playing for a barn dance or tympath I would have a stand with some dots available just in case I needed to remember a tune. With unfamiliar musicians i might not have played that tune before and I can play well from the music.

If I am not on the squeezebox but playing art music say in a band or orchestra then I would need to have the music. I coulndt imagine playing classical music without that, in fact the score is the heart of that type of performance. There would be too many parts to remember them all.
