The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #13336   Message #109135
Posted By: skarpi
27-Aug-99 - 05:57 PM
Thread Name: Some knowledge from Iceland.
Subject: Some knowledge from Iceland.
Some time ago some of the mudcatters was wandering about why Iceland Is called Iceland. Well I took a book and began to look for info, I found something that you want to read . and here it is ..

The year is 850 , The age of the settlements. The Faraoese Naddodur lands the east coast and he named the place SNÆLAND (Snowland), before returninng to his original destination likely Faroe Island.

The year is 855, the second visitor, a swede named GARÐAR SVAVARSON came in search of Naddodur Snæland, circumnavigated the Island and settled in for the winter at HÚSAVÍK on the north coast. When he left the following spring 3 of his men were left behind, whether they like it or not, and they became the Island first residents. He named the Island GARÐARSHÓLMUR in Scandinavian tradition.

The year is 860. The Norwegian FLÓKI VILGERÐARSON uprooted his farm and family and headed for SNÆLAND. He navigated with ravens and after some experiments one of the ravens did not return FLÓKI followed its direction and found the shore of SNÆLAND, His use of ravens gave him the nick name HRAFNA FLÓKI or RAVENS FLÓKI , by whitch he has been known ever since. He sailed to VATNSFJÖRÐUR on the west coast but was far from being impressed by the enviroment. When he saw Icebergs floating in the FJÖRÐ he named the Island ÍSLAND OR ICELAND, probably as much to discourage others from arriving there as anything else. He then returned to Norway but at some point reconsidered his position as he did in fact return to Iceland some years later and settle in SKAGAFJÖRÐUR district on the north coast.

The year is 874. Iceland first international settler, INGÓLFUR ARNARSON arrives from Norway , he set up a house at a place he called REYKJAVÍK becouse of the steam from the thermal springs there.

Well how do you like Icelandic historys, you now know something about our history and many of you think that we are related to the Norway but also to Ireland.

Why Ireland, becouse the Norway vikings took them as slaves from Ireland and took them to Iceland. So we all got mixed together.

Well folks if any questions shoot and I will try to answear them all .

If you want to see some old Icelandic letters I will try to get it on my computer. The old one is called Rúnir.

All the best from me skarpi Iceland.