The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #13336   Message #109180
Posted By: annamill
27-Aug-99 - 08:37 PM
Thread Name: Some knowledge from Iceland.
Subject: RE: Some knowledge from Iceland.
Thank you Skarpi! Both you and your description of your homeland make me want to come for a visit. I love new adventures and new foods and new peoples. Maybe next summer, or maybe you can tell me the best season or months for a visit to Iceland.

Heh, Bill, Max! How about the 10th anniversary of Mudcat in Iceland?? When is it? 2006? (this is originally Bill/Sables idea)

Skarpi, who would be the best travel agent or local government agency to write for accomodations? What fun! It would be ok, Skarpi, if your place is not large enough to hold all of Mudcat, we would find places and we could rent a large place to hold it.

Let's start a fund. We could open an account that anyone one can add to, but only certain people had access too. We could put the money in an mutual fund for investment. What a bash!!

What sports are available? Can we go kayaking??

What's your feelings, everyone?? Or is it too far in the future.

Love, annap