The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #65967   Message #1091835
13-Jan-04 - 11:19 AM
Thread Name: CDRs for commercial recordings
Subject: RE: CDRs for commercial recordings
I didn't make the deal in Singapore. The company in the US I was ordering from did. I started out trying to buy local. The company I was working with was bought out by a bigger company, which was bought out by an even bigger company. I started out knowing who I was talking to when I would call. By the end I was talking to the newest,(cheapest) manager. You are right about the investment in time and money, but on the other hand, I need a computer anyway. I need a mixing board and mics. The only real additional expence was the Cubase software. Another benefit is I have all original tracks and can put togather a special album (Valentine's, St. Patrick's, Christmas,) at short notice. I like having total control of my product. Ever finished a project and belatedly realize you've missed something? I have. Once others have recorded, mixed, made masters, covers, printed material, ect,, etc, it is difficult and expensive to change anything. Plus you have 500 copies sitting around. This way I can keep fine tuning. I only have a few more copies than I think I will need for the next month. My real concern is quality. I want the product I offer to be good. It is still early days, but so far none of the CDs I've sold has come back to me as defective. As far as price, if they are costing me another $.25 apiece, it's worth it to me since I don't have to write a check for $1500 when I order. As far as time, I like doing it. Better than TV.