The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #13336   Message #109185
Posted By: pj
27-Aug-99 - 08:59 PM
Thread Name: Some knowledge from Iceland.
Subject: RE: Some knowledge from Iceland.
annap- What fun! Us 'catter types so often fantasize about all getting together, I can't think of a more beautiful, amazing place to hook up than good ol' SNAELAND! Keep us posted on your scheme.

skarpi- Thankyouthankyouthankyouthankyou! What a great little flying carpet tour of Icelandic history! I'd love to hear you tell about some modern culture there, too.

What kind of habits and traditions have survived into daily life or yearly celebration? What bits of culture do you think we would find most unusual when we visit, and what would we find familiar?

By the way, we're glad to have you back, glad you survived computer flu season! :*)
