The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #96352   Message #109227
Posted By: alison
28-Aug-99 - 01:14 AM
Thread Name: Tune/Chords Req: Hills of Isle Au Haut
Subject: RE: Hills of Isle Au Haut - chords
here you go

A(D)way and to the (A)westward
there's a (G)place a (A)man should (D)go
Where the (D)fishing's always (A)easy
And they've (G)got no (A)ice or (D)snow

But I'll (G)haul (A)down the (D)sail
Where the (G)bays come to(D)gether
(G)Bide a(A)way the (D)days
On the (G)hills of Isle au (D)Haut

Chords in front of the syllable they fall on....

