The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #65881   Message #1092778
Posted By: Walking Eagle
14-Jan-04 - 04:21 PM
Thread Name: BS: A Wonderful Story
Subject: RE: BS: A Wonderful Story
My mother told me this story a number of years ago.

She grew up on a farm during the depression. Entertainment was self-designed then! They always noted a rather posh looking car that passed by the farm every Sunday. They guessed it was a well to do family that had the money to take a Sunday drive. One day, they hatched out a plan. Being on a farm, they had plow horses. They found an old burlap bag and filled it full of dried manure and put it out by the road. They then hid, waiting for the car to make its' return trip. The car came around the curve and came to a stop after passing the bag. A young boy got out of the car and came up to the bag and inspected it. He said "Ohh dad, its' a bag FULL of dried pipe tobacco! He picked it up, put it in the car and off they went! Mom said they laughed all day.
