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Thread #66056   Message #1093903
Posted By: DMcG
16-Jan-04 - 03:31 AM
Thread Name: Tech: Data Structures/Computer Science
Subject: RE: Tech: Data Structures/Computer Science
Knuth's "Art of Computer Programming, Volume 1: Fundamental Algorithms". ... Has anyone got any opinions on this book?

This is one of the few books from college days (three decades ago, now) that I still refer to occasionally. The algorithms are provided in a pseudo-machine code and are not structured in the modern fashion, making it quite difficult to use directly. However, with a little effort they can usually be converted into a more appropriate form and the book gives excellent coverage of the issues involved. One section I've used many times because I can never remember it precisely is how to do garbage collection without needing additional memory (on the grounds the only reason you are doing garbage collection is that you are already short of memory.)

Jon: PM me if you would like to borrow it for a few weeks to see how you get on.