The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #63158   Message #1093914
Posted By: Sandina
16-Jan-04 - 03:56 AM
Thread Name: BS: Clark vs Dean
Subject: RE: BS: Clark vs Dean
I hope we don't shoot ourselves in the foot refusing to support the eventual Democratic nominee because he's not ideologically pure of heart. So what if Dean is too liberal for the "moderate" independents, has no foreign policy or national security experience and insufficiently anti-gun for those (myself included) who despise the NRA? So what if Clark was a general (thereby scaring longtime antiwar activists) and used to be a Republican? So what if Kerry used to be (operative words "used to be") for the invasion of Iraq? (Let's not even mention Gephardt or Lieberman--they have no chance of winning any primaries/caucuses but Missouri, Iowa, or Connecticut, so we won't have 'em to kick around much longer anyway). Guess what: they all have one very important qualification: THEY'RE NOT BUSH!!!!!!    I could get behind just about anyone we nominate: Clark can be forgiven for the error of his formerly GOP ways--the Bible says to welcome the religious convert, so why not the sincere political convert (especially one who's saying all the right stuff and knows all about foreign policy and national security)? Dean did very well for the people of Vermont--and as for his failure to be militantly against guns, he IS in favor of Federal gun control and reasonable state gun regulation. Kerry now believes that given the facts we have now, we should not have invaded Iraq. Edwards may be green as grass, but ya gotta start somewhere. Kucinich? Snowball's chance in hell, but of course I'd support him --IF he gets the nomination.
I hope that whoever said they'd write him in if they had to meant 'in the primaries." If OTOH she meant in November, well I'm having horrible Nader 2000 flashbacks. (Heck, I'm having horrible McCarthy 1968 flashbacks--if enough of my friends had worked for Humphrey back then, Nixon would have been a footnote), Nader's vote totals in Florida far exceeded Bush's margin of "victory" over Gore--butterfly ballot be damned.
If we keep holding out for Mr. Right, we're gonna be stuck with four more years of Mr.Right Wing. And even that Nader-in-2000 stalwart Michael Moore knows that.