The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #66072   Message #1094126
Posted By: Chief Chaos
16-Jan-04 - 10:00 AM
Thread Name: BS: My Banana Is Quick: A Chongo Chimp Tale
Subject: RE: BS: My Banana Is Quick: A Chongo Chimp Tale
The general had left a package with all the info that Chongo needed to get started and not a pinch more. Chongo hadn't expected too much, "You don't get to be a general by giving away all you know", he mused, "specially in these type of affairs."

It seemed that someone had been using small chimps and monkeys to penetrate security through the air shafts of the building. Too small for humans but not for smaller species of primate. Security had found chimp hairs on the floor below one of the air shafts. The lieutenant commander in charge of security had gone from an inflated idiot to a sad sack private in seconds flat in Grove's private office and was now cooling his heels in the brig until charges could be brought. His side of the story was that he didn't think that there was a chimp alive with half a brain that would be interested in what was going on much less understand it. Chongo ignored the obvious bigotry of the man. The feeling was mutual between the species and didn't look to be changing anytime soon. Maybe the war would make some changes. Graves had thought different knowing that if the chimps or monkeys didn't understand they could still observe, listen, photograph, record, steal or God knows what and deliver their findings to someone who did. Some files had gone missing and also some vials. Nothing too specific on the vials except for being highly radioactive. Whoever stole them would be extremely sick or dead by now. Teams were out with geiger counters but hadn't found any signs of contamination.

It made Chongo sick to think about it. Bright, eager young chimps, trying to make a fast buck and have an adventure being used by Nazi spies. They probably thought it was all fun and games to spy on the "stupid humans". And their final payment was likely to be a pretty horrific death. Graves had to keep his men out of the search for fear of revealing that something was going on. "Start adding up pieces of the jigsaw and sooner or later you can guess the whole picture", he'd said.

Chongo grabbed the phone and asked the operator to conect him with the 6th precinct where his friend Drecker worked. If any dead or extremely ill chimps had hit the hospitals or morgue he'd be the one to know. "Better keep this on the quiet side," Chongo thought.
"Sixth Precinct, Drecker speaking", Drecker answered with a growl.
"Hey big boy, it's Chongo, time to pay up on that bet you lost. How's a hot dog in the park sound?"
"Sounds good, I need to get out of this lousy office anyway."
"See you at noon then", Chongo said and waited for Drecker to hang up. Chongo placed his "hand" over the microphone and waited for a few seconds. Sure enough there was a series of secondary clicks afterward. Either Groves, his men, or someone else had been listening in. Chongo was glad that he and Drecker had arranged some secret code between themselves back when they were on the force. Drecker would be waiting on the bridge in the park at about 1130. Chongo had discovered a spot below the bridge where he would be unsen but could hear what Drecker said and speak to him without anyone else being privy to what was going on. It would just look like a man waiting on the bridge to anyone else. Chongo could then slip around and meet him at noon for that hotdog. Chongo got hungry just thinking about it. Chicago has the best 'dogs in the world, well known fact!