The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #13329   Message #109423
Posted By: Charlie Baum
29-Aug-99 - 12:35 AM
Thread Name: Mudcat Radio - Episode I Wed. Night
Subject: RE: Mudcat Radio - Episode I Wed. Night
There are several versions of real audio, but all you'll need is the basic one that's available for free. When you go to download it, you'll be asked a few questions about what operating system you want it for (Mac, Windows, DOS, Unix, etc.) , and how fast your modem works--these will help make sure you get the version that works on your system, but as I mentioned, the baic system is free. They also ask for a batch of personal information, which I filled out with so many typos that I didn't bother to correct that it's useless to anyone.

Programs put on real audio can be heard anywhere in the world, providing of course, the the originating broadcaster has enough bandwidth to feed all the RealAudio listeneres simultaneously (But, Max, you have taken that into consideration--right?) So you can listen in Iceland, although it may be rather late in the evening considering what time zone you're in. (What is the timezone for Iceland, anyway?) And Skarpi, do send news of the folk scene in Iceland. Even if no one else among us gets to experience it first hand, it will be interesting to all of us.