The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #63158   Message #1094442
Posted By: Sandina
16-Jan-04 - 05:22 PM
Thread Name: BS: Clark vs Dean
Subject: RE: BS: Clark vs Dean
Oh, for pity's sake--I can't believe that ANYONE would find Dean, Clark or Kerry "too similar" to George Bush!!! I heard that same drivel four years ago from the Nader supporters......and believe me, under Gore we wouldn't have had the economic mess, unemployment, widening gap between the rich and poor, Fascists being snuck onto the Federal bench in defiance of Congress (Shrub just pulled THAT fast one with Pickering this afternoon, misusing the Constitutional "recess appointment clause"), wholesale slaughter of Iraqi civilians and American soldiers, abridgement of our civil liberties, irreparable damage to our relationship with the rest of the world, etc. that we have today under Bush...who would NOT have been elected had Green Party voters in Florida not "stuck to their principles." Most 2000 pro-Nader voters I know concede that they should have heeded our warnings--and have defected to Dean, Clark, or another candidate this time around; and will also support whoever we put up against Bush.
If Kucinich runs on his own after he loses his bid for the Democratic nominations, I will blame him and his voters for four more years of that frat-boy from Kennebunkport.