The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #66131   Message #1094960
Posted By: skipy
17-Jan-04 - 02:02 PM
Thread Name: help needed from usa catters folkforms
Subject: help needed from usa catters folkforms
We, the committee of Folkforms would like to enlist the help of an American catter or a small group of catters with the skills enthusiasm and the contacts to arrange a charity folk evening to be run on Friday 11th June 2004.
The objecct will be to run parralel with the u/k event. We would want you to use the charity's name and follow our simple way of doing things. For legal reasons you cannot of course use our charity registration number.
All the monies raised will stay in America to be used to help MS sufferers over there.
Please visit our site
I look fwd. to a tirade of question!
However I am about to go out to 2! local folk clubs, the first 15 miles to my left to see Mick Ryan & Pete Harris, then on to another one 15 miles to my right to see Harvey Andrews. (hows that for fwd. planning!)

Regards Skipy
Chair folkforms