The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #66098   Message #1095157
Posted By: LilyFestre
17-Jan-04 - 07:08 PM
Thread Name: BS: The one place for you
Subject: RE: BS: The one place for you
I have two..........

1. Home...sitting at the breakfast table watching the birds and talking with my family. I love being out in our yard playing "Bird" with the dogs or watching the chickens peck for bugs. I love hearing the rooster crow at 3:30am when I get up and turn on a light when getting a drink of water. I love watching the Little One at the kitchen table working on an assignment. I love waking up to the smell of wood burning in the woodstove, the sight of my husband so lost in working on a fly rod that he forgot he had to get ready for work, driving around the yard with the tractor....I could go on and on...I love our's my most favorite place in the whole world.

2. Beavertail Park, Jamestown, Rhode Island. This place isn't really a least not what I think of when I think of a park. There are no swings or picnic areas. Beavertail is an area next to the ocean that is home to an old lighthouse. I love to climb on the rocks with the waves crashing so close that I can feel the spray on my face and taste the salt on my skin. I like to feed the seagulls and poke around in the tidal pools. The waves are so loud that the only other thing I can really hear is the occassional cry of a of my most favorite thinking spots!
