The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #66092   Message #1096538
Posted By: katlaughing
19-Jan-04 - 04:53 PM
Thread Name: Kat's Dad, Sparky, needs some good thoughts
Subject: RE: Kat's Dad, Sparky, needs some good thoughts
Well, I just called Dad and tol dhim about you all and your well-wishes. He sounded weak, but lucid and was moved to tears just knowing that you all are beaming good stuff his way and singing songs for him. I have just edited out all of the html stuff and am printing this out for this afternoon's mail. Thanks, again, so much. I'll keep you posted.

Oh, forgot to say: he got his nickname from making his living as one of the best damn oilfield welders there ever was!**bg** Ebbie and KT, he even worked up on Amchitka and loved the people on Alaska Airlines and in general. I still have a paper placemat from them which he brought to me from one trip.
