The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #66227   Message #1097678
Posted By: Wolfgang
21-Jan-04 - 04:30 AM
Thread Name: BS: Bush and the State of the Union
Subject: RE: BS: Bush and the State of the Union
Considering that the number of people in the UK (in anyM.I> politcal party) who need convincing that it'd be great to see the back of Bush must be vanishingly small, it seems a strange use of a front page (McGrath)

From the polls available online at the Guardian yesterday:
Question: In as much as his actions affect us here in Britain and the rest of the world generally are you satisfied or dissatisfied with the job George Bush does as President of the USA:

satisfied 32% (Labour voters: 39 %)
dissatisfied 57% (Labour voters: 54 %)

Maybe the Independent doesn't consider 32 % 'vanishingly small'?
