The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #56738   Message #1098395
Posted By:
21-Jan-04 - 09:18 PM
Thread Name: Are you a musician or a showman?
Subject: RE: Are you a musician or a showman?
A musician will play the same song ten times a month. A showman tells the same joke ten times a month. I don't always have the luxury of an audience "predisposed" towards folk music. I am paid to keep people in the room, and so I do what I need to do to keep them there. Sometimes a slow 'Dark in the Dungeon' is all it takes. Sometimes it's more of a job--a very hard, though ultimately rewarding job. Something always seems to happen that salvages the night; more than often it is the beauty of pure music. Sometimes its just meeting new people and sharing the breadth of who you are and what you live for. The showmanship that accompanies folk music is generally subtle enough to not be annoying....I hope