The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #66280   Message #1098723
Posted By: GUEST,ClaireBear
22-Jan-04 - 10:41 AM
Thread Name: Radriano and Chanteyranger band name
Subject: RE: Radriano and Chanteyranger band name
Good for you guys!

Sorry, Brass Monkey(s) and Dogwatch are taken (although, Peter, you could always name your band "Dog Star" so the three Bay Area nautical bands would be Dogwatch, Starboard Watch and Dog Star -- that has a certain appeal to my twisted mind).

But seriously, folks...

Heart of Oak
Stout-Hearted Men
Red Right Returning
The Sailors' Rest
Ketch as Ketch Can
Hullaballoo Belay
The Bosun's Whistle
The Duck Jibers
The Downwinders
Master and Commander
Compass Rose
Scurvy Crew
The Poxy Doxies (but you'd need gender changes)
The Ship's Biscuit Occasional Orchestra

...I could do this all day, But I'll spare you. Have fun -- hope to be invited to the bandwarming!
