The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #66296   Message #1100247
Posted By: The Shambles
24-Jan-04 - 06:11 AM
Thread Name: Tech: Shambles can you help?
Subject: RE: Tech: Shambles can you help?
Well, I actually do think that the Mudcat is an excellent example of pragmatic anarchism. I don't think what Shambles seems to have in mind would be.

Yet another opinion with no evidence provided and one worth just as much as anyone else's - except of course the opinions of those who will censor our contributions based on their opinions. But the qualification of the word 'pragmatic' is interesting and makes me smile. This word has come over time to mean 'practical', what it actually means is 'minding everyone else's business'. I kid you not..........   

But how about a trial period with no censorship - to test if your opinion can be supported?

Amos - Some evidence of this 'venom' coming from me - would be appreciated. I would suggest that IF any venom has come from me – it rather pails into insignificance to the personal abuse that I have received. However, anyone would reasonably expect to receive this – should they venture to suggest that the current system is in anyway less than perfect or to suggest improvements. I have ploughed on and if I have not always found time for the 'niceties' This "parboiled witherspoon" apologises to you for that.

Joe Offer says The "hijacked" thread I'm talking about is this one. When Shambles turned it into yet another tedious anti-Mudcat discussion, the participants took their discussion over into a new thread. They shouldn't have been forced to do that.

My point about the type of censorship action that is becoming routine - is that it will inevitably increase.

For every such action creates an expectation – the help forum is full of such examples.
Can you delete such and such?
I don't think so - because -
But you did this to such and such so –

The BS thread referred to that I am accused here of single-handedly 'hijacking' by the volunteers demonstrates very well the 'scapegoating' that is encouraged. The personal view and judgement expressed that such discussions are anti- Mudcat and "tedious" is also questionable, coming as it does from an official moderator – but does demonstrate that such discussions are inhibited by this official view. As are threads on many other subjects such as birthday threads or others that are not to the tastes or our volunteers. However, BS discussions on bodily functions and God knows what else seem to escape these views?

This thread contains many other examples - the main one being that – even if you accept that "they shouldn't have had to do that" – which I do not accept that 'they' did – this solution was arrived at without any (public) intervention or censorship action needing to be taken by our volunteers.
Is this an example of anarchy – or of contributors people being quite able to solve their problems on their forum without any official action - as I advocate?

This thread also demonstrates well the double standard – about what we are led to expect will be censored.

I suspect that had anyone other than me made the post to this thread – that I did – that it would not have resulted in accusations about 'hijacking' the the thread. If you look, you will see that my first post there, is followed and far out-numbered by many from the usual suspects. Some entering into debate – some just making personal comments and questioning my parentage, state of mental health and reason for existence – some just putting in amusing ZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzs – and the rest posting and reviving the thread and telling everyone else to shut-up and stop reviving the thread. Not too sure if there was anyone in this thread asking for it to be closed down for no apparent or valid reason – but that expectation also seems to have been fed lately.

But we are told to expect that when folk 'paste and copy' large chunks of material from elsewhere – this will be deleted. I am not judging Barry's contribution for I found it of great value but have I not been led to expect that this post should have been censored for this reason?

We are also led to expect that duplicate postings will also be deleted. So not only does Barry's copy and paste survive despite this first expectation – there are now duplicate copies of the same lengthy cut and paste on two current threads!

Yes, I know that all this was really all MY fault…………..*smiles*

Now I have nothing against Barry or his actions but I can't help having being given the expectation that had I produced the copy and paste or made the duplicate post – that these would have been censored. And that had I questioned this - the relevant part of Joe's FAQ would have been produced and many folk would have supported this action on the grounds that these are the rules…………..

We either have rules that are consistently enforced – or I would suggest that we possibly already have double standards and yes - anarchy?